Saturday, October 19, 2013

Appium - the game changer that mobile application automated testers have been waiting for.

A few months ago,  I was introduced to Appium - an amazing mobile application testing tool for software testing professionals that have the incredible burden of being responsible for testing mostly Android and iOS mobile applications.

And I love it.

I think "love" is not an adequate word - It is what all software testing professionals have been waiting for for years: An easy-to-use, robust, powerful, silver bullet that allows me to rapidly create tests for mobile applications on any platform that I used to have to write (for iOS) Objective-C (which is really stupid) and Java activity proxy (which is slow and cumbersome) in the programming language that you choose.

In my case, I love Java. So...... I created an entire automated tests suite for iOS and Android mobile applications using, for the most part, the same codebase - in Java!

Follow this amazing project on twitter at @AppiumDevs. Thanks guys! Finally, someone got it right.

Buh-bye Objective-C. Buh-bye Calabash. We dont need you anymore, but thanks for playing :)

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