We use Appium to interact with the iOS (ViewController) and Android (Activity) mobile application screens.
Appium is the absolute best (and only product) that everyone should be using to write automated tests and interact with their company's mobile applications.
Using the Screen Object design pattern, where the complexity of screen object components are encapsulated, there are 2 basic ways to do this: By using xpath or by lookup by element type and assigning the element to the value (or name attribute value) that is seen by Appium during iteration of web elements (Webdriver API objects) of a particular type.
In this case, let's say that the login screen has a username/password set of components and that they are of type "text" as seen by Appium (using Java programming).
1) Strategy of looking up components by expected xpath locators that Appium will find on the screen:
public class LoginScreen extends BaseScreen {
private final static String USERNAMEXPATH = "//linear/form/text[1]";
public void enterUsername(String username) throws Exception {
try { (getWebElementAtLocation(USERNAMEXPATH)).sendKeys(driver, username); }
catch(Exception e) { throw e; }
In the base class there would be this method:
protected WebElement getWebElementAtLocation( WebDriver driver, String xpath) throws Exception {
try { return driver.findElement(By.xpath( xpath)); }
catch(Exception e) { throw e; }
or, 2) Strategy of looking up and assigning by an element type and value (or attribute value, such as "name" value)
public class LoginScreen extends BaseScreen {
private WebElement usernameField = null;
public void enterUsername(WebDriver driver, String username) throws Exception {
try {
if(this.usernameField == null) this.usernameField = getWebElementFromTextElementsValue(driver, "username"));
catch(Exception e) { throw e; }
In a base class there would be this method:
public class BaseScreen {
protected WebElement
getWebElementFromTextElementsValue(WebDriver driver, String value) throws Exception {
try {
List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.tagName("text"));
for (WebElement element:elements) {
String data = element.getAttribute("name"). trim();
if((data == null) || (data.trim().length() == 0)) continue; // blank, so ignore
if(data.contains(text))return element;
// if we get here, we could not find the element so throw an exception
throw new Exception("Could not find text element in any screen
element matching type: text and text value: " + value);
catch(Exception e) { throw e; }
The advantages of using strategy #1 are: providing Appium/WebDriver with the exact lookup xpath, which results if faster returning of the screen element for interaction. The disadvantages are: using this method may possibly make the maintenance of this class more "brittle" if the xpath for the element changes with screen updates/redesigns.
The advantages of using strategy #2 are: elements are looked up with attribute values (name or value attributes), and xpath location is not an issue. Assuming the getText() or getAttribute("name") will lookup the correct element regardless of any new components added to the screen. The disadvantage is that lookup might take a little longer since we are instructing Appium to iterate and check the values of the attributes of all components of the type "text" before returning the one we want. It may perhaps slow down the test execution.
Summary: If you have screens to test on your mobile app that don't change very much, use the xpath lookup strategy (#1). If the screen has alot of changing formats/design, use the web element lookup strategy (#2) to avoid less maintenance in needing the Inspector to find the updated xpath locator and thus update of the code.
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